There is a deep seated joy and freedom that comes from knowing that your relationship to God, omnipotent Love, is unbreakable. This brings healing cure, comfort, and confidence. I am a Christian Science practitioner and teacher who has been practicing Christian Science healing throughout my life. Christian Science is a prayer-based method of healing founded on Christ Jesus' words and works, the timeless truths of the Bible, and their spiritual laws explained in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.
Christian Science goes beyond denomination as it explains the universal law of Love - the law governing all healing, progress and peace. How deep, far, and wide does Christian Science go? The answer to this question keeps growing. Please feel free to contact me to learn more.
A larger welcome and explanation to my website
As a former whitewater guide, kayaker and racer, I decided to put photos of the sport throughout this site. Why? Because kayaking let me experience rivers in a surprisingly profound way as rivers taught me about God and my relation to God, which in turn taught me how to heal.
“All nature teaches God’s love to man.” And so it says in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy (p. 326:8). Truth.
Rivers drew out of me an awe for power, force, and brilliant unadorned beauty. One can’t fabricate the majesty of rivers, just as one can’t fabricate the power, force and beauty of an omnipotent God.
Humility was my safety net. When playing in rivers, I learned to fully surrender to the present moment and to let go of ego and pride in order to be more alert, respectful and receptive to this power. It is that way in prayer as well, yielding and leaning on God's power.
I learned about the sacred trust and dignity of joining with others in prayer - from those in my boat! As a raft guide, I treasured and protected the dignity of those in my boat, and cheered on their willingness to get out of their comfort zones and learn something new. I strove to meet their expectations of safety, adventure, and delight by humbly following God. I hold myself to this sacred trust and dignity as the high standard for healing and praying with others today.
I learned about communion in almost unspeakable ways. To be fully immersed in a whitewater river is an apt metaphor to be immersed in Spirit. Immersion in Spirit is no blissed-out smooth ride that avoids any ripples but is about an active, awake, engaging conviction to ride those waves – face those challenges – with rising dominion and grace. Just as I grew in understanding the tumbling currents and the calm eddies, and the nature of water, flow and energy, so was I gaining in understanding the enduring spiritual nature of God, good. “The calm, strong currents of true spirituality, the manifestations of which are health, purity, and self-immolation, must deepen human experience, until the beliefs of material existence are seen to be a bald imposition, and sin, disease, and death give everlasting place to the scientific demonstration of divine Spirit and to God's spiritual, perfect man" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 99:23).
I’m no longer involved in whitewater kayaking, but I continue to be involved in adventure - “Love’s divine adventure” as Eddy calls it. Healing through prayer, as Jesus did, and as Eddy discovered, explained, and named as Christian Science, is being practiced today. Healing prayer lifts off our self-imposed limitations, enabling us to see our lives with more grandeur, wholeness, beauty, tenderness, and healing power. I’m all in.