March 13, 2020 A special note for a special time to all students and guests
Mary Baker Eddy writes of her March Primary Class of when "... the disciples met together in an upper chamber; and they were of one mind. Mark, that in the case of Joshua and his band they had all to shout together in order that the walls might fall; and the disciples, too, were of one mind.
"We, to-day, in this class-room, are enough to convert the world if we are of one Mind; for then the whole world will feel the influence of this Mind; as when the earth was without form, and Mind spake and form appeared (Mis. 279:22–2).
We all have been praying, working, and watching diligently to meet the world's hunger for something higher and holier than the human condition can deliver in these times of great need. Christian Scientists everywhere are joining in their voices to shout together to break the hold of fear of this latest "Parisian garment" ( See SH 196:31–5).
"Beloved children, the world has need of you." Our theme for this year's Association is well preparing us to meet the need of today. The whole quote reads: "Beloved children, the world has need of you, — and more as children than as men and women: it needs your innocence, unselfishness, faithful affection, uncontaminated lives."(Mis. 110:4–7). Innocence is Truth, the purifying element that neutralizes error. Unselfishness is Soul that satisfies and comforts the hungering heart. Faithful affection is Love that includes all mankind in one unifying embrace. And our protests of Truth remove all offending errors and reveal our uncontaminated lives.
I am sure you are aware of the regular offerings from the Monitor and from the Journal, Sentinel, and Herald from (See ). It is so heartening to realize that the Journal, Sentinel, and Herald are magazines written in the field - these are from our peers "in the trenches" so to speak, working out the demonstration of peace, harmony and progress every day. We are a part of this. Class taught students are key to this movement of thought that is pushing on the ages, and answering the call for healing.
Thank you for joining your voices in this movement that heals. Please continue to keep up with your prayer and reading and writing for JSH. If anyone doesn't have a subscription to the Monitor and to JSH-online, please let me know and we'll set up an Association fund to help out. And if anyone wants to donate the costs of the subscription fees to the Association (to Korinek Association), we'll be sure to make the connection with those desiring subscriptions. And anyone having questions about or wanting more encouragement to write for JSH, I'm here for you!
Our prayers, effective and heartfelt, are yielding to Truth -- which is already operating in and uplifting human consciousness.
"The “still, small voice” of scientific thought reaches over continent and ocean to the globe's remotest bound. The inaudible voice of Truth is, to the human mind, “as when a lion roareth.” It is heard in the desert and in dark places of fear. It arouses the “seven thunders” of evil, and stirs their latent forces to utter the full diapason of secret tones. Then is the power of Truth demonstrated, — made manifest in the destruction of error" (SH 559:8–16).
March, 2020 and updated May 31, 2020 Hello dear students and guests,
Please note our new date for Association. August 15, 2020. We will revisit all restrictions and travel advisories mid-July to determine if this will be a face to face meeting, and online meeting, or a combinatino of both. But August remains as our Association date.
I've updated the logistical information as well.This is an email of logistics for our upcoming Association re: lodging, meals, guest requests for an invitation, and my request for your input. Your inspiration needed - I have almost everyone's annual reports. If you haven't yet sent one in, please do so no later than mid - June. Also, send in stories of healing (these can be other individuals’ accounts of healing) and photos illustrating the Christlike childlikeness that heals. Many of these items will find their way into the Association address. Guest invitations - A couple of you mentioned loved ones who may be requesting an invite to the Association. I'll be taking guest invitation requests until the end of June. Meals, dues, and donations - Students and guests can pay for meals and make their annual membership dues or guest donation at the Association meeting that day. As we will all be eating together, another email about ordering meals will be sent out closer to the date. Lodging Accommodations - These guest suites are a part of two condominium buildings in which members of my branch church live. They have lovingly reserved them for June 5 and 6th should you want to reserve a space there. Re: the hotels--we have no special discounts at the hotels this year.
GUEST SUITES Guest Suite at Kenwood Residences - $65/night 1425 W. 28th Street Minneapolis, MN Contact: Cathy Haukedahl at [email protected] and +612-978-5545 Two rooms are available -- one with a double bed, one with twin beds, both with en suite bathrooms. Both rooms are $65/night. Includes parking. You can walk about ten blocks to the church where we will have the Association meeting! Please note: Make your arrangements soon as there may be special requirements.
OTHER POSSIBILITIES You can also check Airbnb and VRBO for listings close to the church where we will have our meeting. It will be held at Second Church of Christ, Scientist, Minneapolis, 1822 Hennepin Avenue South, Minneapolis.
Please be in touch with Cathy at [email protected] and +612-978-5545 to let us know where you’ll be staying and if we can help with arrangements.